Security Posture Assessments


Network Penetration test

The simulation of an attack by malicious adversaries in order to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in an organization’s network, network testing allows an organization to harden their security posture.

Application security

A critical step in the software development life cycle, testing ensures application security before release and over time as new functionality is implemented and new vulnerabilities are discovered in common libraries.


Embedded Systems

IoT devices and embedded systems face unique security challenges. Our embedded systems tests provide insight into security gaps in firmware and hardware based on the purpose and needs of the device.

red team attack simulation

Full attack simulation including physical security testing, network penetration testing, and social engineering methods.  This simulation involves significant reconnaissance and preparation efforts and tests all aspects of an organization’s security posture.


Vulnerability assessment

Vulnerabilities in either external or internal systems on an organization’s network are identified to provide a view of the full attack surface available to a variety of threat actors.

Security awareness assessment

The security awareness of an organization’s personnel is assessed through social engineering tactics such as spear-phishing, as well as the gathering of open source intelligence in order to identify potentially leaked sensitive information (e.g., credentials, proprietary data).